Thursday, October 20, 2011

How To Care Dry Skin And Cracked Heels

Every body have different kind of skin, there are have dry skin, oily skin or sensitive skin. Every type of skin have their own  way of self care. In this posting, I want to share to you how to care dry skin and cracked heels. Dry skin will look dull and flaky, and tend to be more wrinkles. That is because lack of moisture. So that will make we not confident. 

Now, I will share to you the simple tips to care Dry Skin And Cracked Heels.

1. Don't forget to give your skin with moisturizer after take bath.

2. Use special cream for heels
3. To add natural oil or essential oil in your bath tub, oil will provide a calming effect and keep it moist skin for long time.
4. Use soft and comfortable shoes.
5. Don't use socks made ​​of nylon or rayon.
6. After you sleep foot soak with a mixture of warm mineral water, then  soft message your feet until cracked.

OK thank u for your attention, I wish may be useful.    

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