Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Benefits Of Fish Oil For Women

Benefits of fish oil for women is very much, like to maintain health during pregnancy, for beauty as well for body health. Benefits of fish oil for women has been clinically proven and trusted since ancient. A study says that consuming foods rich in Omega 3 will keep women from infertility or infertility. Women who take Omega 3 regularly have less risk than those who are not affected by endometriosis. 

The research was conducted by a group of American researchers and mentions that Omega 3 is a type of fat that is essential to combat endometriosis. Endometriosis is a condition which would result in infertility.Talking about the problem to the study, Dr. Stacey Missmer, chief researcher said that millions of women around the world have been affected by endometriosis and many women are trying to self-medicate by taking one of them is the Omega 3. Certainly the results of these studies should be confirmed with further research but this research provides a strong indication that we are getting closer to the benefits of Omega 3 in the distancing of women from endemtriosis.
Omega 3 is commonly found in fish oil. The researchers are currently testing the facts whether Omega 3 is able to alleviate problems of women who have been hit by endometriosis. Many celebrities who experience reproductive problems and have obtained the benefit of which is a Hollywood actress Halle Berry, Courtney Cox Arquette, Marcia Cross and Helena-Bonham-Carter. Omega 3 helps to regulate their fertility and reproductive hormone production increases blood flow to the reproductive organs.
Omega 3 fatty acids are very beneficial for maintaining reproductive health. The best source of Omega 3 is fish. You are advised to consume fish at least 2 times a week. But not all fish is recommended, there are several types of mercury-containing range of tuna or marlin. The content of mercury can persist in the body within 1 year. You are encouraged to consume salmon, canned fish, catfish, or shrimp.
If you want to get the benefits of Omega 3 in a practical way, you can eat Seven Seas Orange Emulsion products from Merck. Seven Seas Orange Emulsion also contains Omega 3 which helps the growth of the brain, protecting brain cells, as well as ensuring the brain and retina to work optimally. Contain vitamin A which helps eye health, maintain defense against infections, care for the immune system, and helps the growth of bone. Contains vitamin D which helps absorption of calcium and phosphorus and essential for healthy bones and teeth. For children and pregnant women are not too happy with the smell of fish oil, do not worry because the seven seas orange original orange emulsion contains no preservatives and artificial flavorings, so it's not nauseating.

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