Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tips For Healthy Skin

Skin care from the outside in addition to requiring that come from cosmetics also require treatment from within that comes from food. From skin food will get the vitamins and nutrients it needs. Nutrition is as follows:

1. Vitamin C is needed to make collagen, a protein found in skin, bone, blood vessels, and ligaments. Loss of collagen makes the skin sagging and wrinkles. Vitamin C can be obtained from fruits and vegetables.
2. Vitamin E is an antioxidant compound that helps prevent damage to body cells caused by free radicals.
3. Zinc is an Essential trace mineral that has many roles in the body. Starting from increased cell reproduction, growth and repair of tissues, including skin.
4. Water is essential for skin health, by consuming 8 glasses of water a day will keep the skin moist.

In addition to the consumption of nutritious foods, keep your hearts and always positive thinking will also make us become ageless. More smiles will make your skin healthy so that will make us always stay young.

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