Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Best Recommended Fruits For Pregnant Women

The gestation period is an important time for both mother and fetus. Proper nutrition will help in maintaining the health of the fetus and mother. The fruit is a source of vitamins and minerals that are good for pregnant woman and her fetus. Best fruits for pregnant women is the right choice for the growth and development of the fetus in the womb. By taking best fruits for pregnant women every day is a wise step for the fetus and mother as well, because best fruits for pregnant women will make the fetus and the mother met the needs of vitamins and some essential minerals. Best fruits for pregnant women does not have to be expensive but the fruit is cheap and can be found anywhere can be the best fruits for pregnant women for you and the fetus.

All the good fruit and vitamin, provided we know its size.Like pineapple when we eat too much then the pineapple in the stomach will "be making soda + acid reaction"
so predictable that we consume too much like a pineapple we spend, the stomach was bloated due to gastric acid in the soda react, we are finally going to be diarrhea, vomiting and stomach cramps.
While fruits such as durian, jack fruit and cempedak would "be a reaction towards alcohol" as a result of our stomach will feel very hot and eventually diarrhea and vomiting.
Therefore if you are pregnant, it should be super careful with fruits according to their habitat.
What kind of fruit that is best recommended for pregnant women:
- Tomatoes
- Papaya, all papaya are rich in vitamin C
- mango
- Sweet orange
- Grapefruit
- Bananas, bananas are rich in calcium
- And many more buah2's the other, such as rambutan, watermelon, bangkoang, mangosteen, sapodilla, etc.

During pregnancy hati2 to try super fruit "bark", because pregnant women should eat foods which do not result in "constipation - difficult defecation"

1 comment:

  1. This is very nice post.Thanks you for this post a comment.
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