Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Skin Cancer Signs And Treatments

Skin cancer signs and symptoms needs to be understood because in addition to causing defects (damage the appearance) is also at an advanced stage can be fatal to patients. By knowing skin cancer signs and symptoms then we can be more vigilant and cautious. Skin cancer signs and symptoms is an appropriate provision for the prevention of the treatment.

Adult skin cancer tend to have increased in number especially in the Americas, Australia and Britain. Based on several studies, those white people are more likely to suffer this type of skin cancer. It is predicted as a result of their frequent exposure (lots of exposure) sunlight.
Skin Cancer is a disease characterized by the growth of skin cells that are not controlled, can damage surrounding tissue and can spread to other parts of the body. There are three types of skin cancer generally affects men frequent, such as basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and malignant melanoma (MM).
Malignant Skin Cancer

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)

Is a type of skin cancer is most common. This type of cancer has not spread (metastasize) gets another body, but cancer cells can grow and cause damage to surrounding skin tissue. Skin color is light and often exposed to sunlight glowing both suspected as the cause of Basal Cell Carcinoma. Other factors can also cause this type of cancer is a weak immune system (either the impact of other diseases or treatment), burns, X-ray beam.

A. Signs and Symptoms
The body of the cancerous basal cells are usually the face, neck and scalp. The signs of this type of cancer is a lump that is slightly shiny, reddish in color with a slightly raised edge blackish, abnormalities such as scarring and blisters / twists that do not heal.

2. Diagnosis of cancer type
Single method to ensure that basal cell cancer doctor will perform a clinical and histopathologic examination by taking a sample of skin is considered as the cancerous tissue (biopsy) for examination under a microscope.

3. Therapy and Treatment
If the diagnosis has been established clearly that people develop skin cancer basal cell type, the action taken is usually surgery or the removal of skin tissue (cancer) is complete, or can be the action of radiation. Other methods are also frequently performed surgical frozen, electric surgical, laser, photodynamic and with both drugs are applied topically or injected (chemotherapy).

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

Is a type of skin cancer affects more men, especially the elderly (seniors). It is a type of skin cancer in which malignant cells occurs epidermal ceratinocytes, is the second most common skin cancer. SCC of skin cancer can spread to other body gets, generally affects those in tropical region.

As with any disease KSB, this type of skin cancer is also suspected by the sun (dominant), a weak immune body, viruses, chemicals and scar tissue can also cause this Disease. The signs and symptoms is to have abnormalities in the form of lumps or sores that do not heal. Diagnosis is established by the same method in KSB, as well as therapy and treatment measures tend to be similar to basal cell cancer.

Malignant melanoma (MM)

It is a type of skin cancer is the most virulent and potentially lethal. In America, the data obtained six of the seven patients died of cancer. And the number of people affected increased from year to year. Malignant Melanoma can develop from a mole arise existing or emerging.

A. Signs and Symptoms
This information is very important for they who have a mole that then either change the color, size or shape, Moles sometimes itch and bleed when scratched. These cancer cells grow from melanocytes, the skin cells that function to produce melanin pigment.

Cancer is characterized by ABCD, A = asymmetric, irregular shapes. B = Border or uneven edges as well. C = Color or color that varies from one area to another. Can be brown to black. Even in certain cases found to be white, red and blue. D = Diameter greater than 6 mm.

2. Diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma
Enforcement of diagnosis in cases of this type of skin cancer as well as two types of skin cancer in the upper (BCC and SCC), ie the measures biopsy for examination under a microscope.

3. Therapy and Treatment
Malignant Melanoma is a type of malignant skin cancer, can spread other body gets such as the lymph nodes. Action taken on this type of cancer is complete removal of cancerous tissue by surgery, if it has been known to spread it needed further surgery to remove surrounding tissue. If cancer cells are found to spread to lymph glands, then inevitably glands are also removed.

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