Benefits of honey for pregnant women, has been good. Honey contains folic acid, which is an essential nutrient for the growth of the fetus. Folic acid is an essential nutrient for the growth of the fetus. These substances (folic acid) will be needed in early pregnancy because it forms the fetus or the baby is born later had no congenital neural tube. So it is clear that the honey is very good consumed by pregnant women.
The ancient traditions of the land of China, honey is used both to help ease the process of birth. This is done by making honey partially fluid in the muscle with 80% concentration levels. Experts in China know that pregnant women are given honey birth process becomes easier as it helps in the process of opening of the birth canal so it will be faster. This can happen because honey contains substances that can accelerate prostagelandine contractions of the uterus and cervix dilated making.
In addition to the above benefits, honey is also beneficial for pregnant women in terms of:
1. Reduce nausea during pregnancy
2. Increase appetite for pregnant women
3. In order to protect the fetus from poisoning
For the people of Indonesia in general, honey can also help mothers during childbirth lead times. Giving honey at this point is very important because honey has a high nutrient and boost the immune system while nursing mothers. Therefore, it is advisable to consume honey every day during childbirth. It is also widely recommended by many doctors in Japan.
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